In Media

Udaipur DiaMeet 2.0

Friends of Mewar, founded by Padmaja Kumari Parmar, began working closely with The Diabesties Foundation, a not-for-profit organization, dedicated to T1D awareness, advocacy, and access to the right medical care for people from all walks of life, living with T1D. The foundation also caters to caregivers and healthcare providers across the nation, with a mission of creating a well-rounded and inclusive community that makes every person living with T1D seen, heard, loved, and supported.

After co-hosting a successful DiaMeet, a celebration of living with T1D in Udaipur, on August 14th, 2022 they collaborated again to host another DiaMeet on January 11th, 2022 in honor of 101 years since the first Insulin injection was administered to Leonard Thompson.

DiaMeets are a fun support group session where those with T1D can network with others in the T1D community, learn more about managing their condition from experts, and get inspired by each other’s stories of survival and hope!